With multi-channel measuring the vibration levels can be determined synchronously over a wide frequency range. This allows the measurements to detect the vibration transmissibility in the ground and in buildings to determine the vibration effects on humans, buildings or sensitive facilities.
With multiple measurements of this kind, for example we are able to determine an impermissible impact on local residents from existing or future rail transport. This also allows us to assess whether additional measures are necessary for the construction of housing near rail lines.
The monitoring of sensitive (listed) buildings during the completion of construction (piling, pile driving or demolition) is part of our’s range of servicesWith our measuring equipment we are able to identify signals exceeding limiting values and activating in real time any alarm, such as a rotating warning light or a sms.
We perform vibration measurements and assessments also for the interpretation of vibration insulation of machines, to protect sensitive measurement or manufacturing facilities in buildings against external initiated shocks (such as caused by a nearby subway); or for the reduction of secondary airborne sound in lecture rooms (such as a concert halls etc).